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[Scholarship] 2020 Fall Semester College of Business Administration G-Scholarship for Full-time Foreign Students(~11/06 2pm)

  • 작성자 황옥경
  • 작성일 20.10.27
  • 조회수 11305

★ 제출 / Submission ★

1) 이메일 접수 : ockkyung@kookmin.ac.kr

* 추후 우편으로 원본 서류 제출필요

* 제출서류 내용이 사실과 다를 경우 장학금 지급은 취소됩니다.

2) 교학팀 방문 제출


因新冠肺炎影响, G5奖学金相申请材料的受理方式如下:

1) 邮件接收材料
将所需材料子版发送到ockkyung@kookmin.ac.kr, 发送后仍需要将纸质版材料通信件寄送给教学组。
注意, 材料内与真实不符时, 将会取消奖学金

2) 直接访问教学组并提交纸质材料


1) By Email : ockkyung@kookmin.ac.kr
* You need to submit the original application by post afterwards.
* Providing Scholarship would be cancelled if there are false information on application documents.

2) Visit Business Administration Office