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[CBA Event] International Day 2022 for International Students

  • 작성자 이아진
  • 작성일 22.10.06
  • 조회수 5369

* International Day 2022 for International Students *

College of Business Administration(CBA) holds "International Day 2022" for International Students who are registered for CBA.

International Students will have an opportunity for...

1) Wearing a Hanbok(Korean Traditional Clothes) on Campus

2) getting a free coupon for Place N (Place N is a bakery shop located on the 2nd floor of Student Union Building)

To participate in the event, students should apply for it on the URL below by the designated deadline.

Do not miss this opportunity and we look forward to meeing you on the event!


- Qualification : International Studetns who are registered for the 2nd(Fall) Semester at CBA

- Date and Time : 2022. 10. 27. Thu. / 11:00~16:00

- Venue : Room 611 & 617 at Business Administration Hall

- Contents : Taking at least 3 photos wearing a Hanbok on Campus and getting a free Bakery Coupon

- Application : https://url.kr/4ozpi9

- Application Deadline : 2022. 10. 17. Mon. 16:00







2)参加活动可免费领取Place N优惠券 (Place N是位于福祉馆二楼的面包店)





-时间:20221027 周四/11:00~16:00

-地点:经营馆611 & 617






※ 한국인 학생은 아래의 경우에만 참여가능합니다. (플러스알파 5시간 인정)

 1) 외국인 학생과 함께 지원하는 경우

 2) 지원한 외국인 학생과 I-Day 당일 처음 만나도 잘 어울릴 수 있는 학생